Mafia: Street Fight for ipod download
Mafia: Street Fight for ipod download

At least four of them will involve building or upgrading something. You will then receive five tasks to accomplish. First, there’s a short, visual novel-style cut scene. Let me tell you how a typical story chapter plays out. Eye candy is one thing, but The Grand Mafia seems to think that if they fill the screen with enough short skirts, bare midriffs and heaving breasts, I won’t notice how boring the actual game is. I lost all ability to take this game seriously when I recruited my fourth lieutenant, a woman in a sexy nurse costume. That’s before we even get to the fetish outfits. Meanwhile, his girlfriend and his consiglieri both seem to be seconds away from falling out of their tops. The main character looks like he belongs on the cover of a trashy novel. The most exciting thing that happened was when I briefly thought the game was about to turn into a dating sim. My character was betrayed at one point and I couldn’t bring myself to care. A government conspiracy is revealed with all the fanfare of discovering a hangnail. And the rest of the plot isn’t much better. Now you’re back from the clink and it’s time for payback.

Mafia: Street Fight for ipod download

Things are going pretty well for you until someone knocks off the Don and sets you up to take the fall. Stop me if you’ve heard this one: You play a young and ambitious member of the local crime family. I didn’t expect much from this game, and I still came away disappointed.

Mafia: Street Fight for ipod download

If it sounds like I’m not a fan of The Grand Mafia, I’m not. And unfortunately, The Grand Mafia is not much different. Most are cheaply-made freemium shovelware. Developed by Yotta Games, The Grand Mafia is just one of the roughly 10 billion crime strategy games cluttering up the Google Play Store.

Mafia: Street Fight for ipod download